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The state of Nebraska is rated 16th with an area of 77,354 square miles. With a population of 1,881,503 as it was estimated at 2014 is ranked 37th in the nation. The state’s capital is Lincoln. The landmarks of the state are: “Durham Museum”, “Ashfall Fossil Beds”, “Memorial Stadium Lincoln” etc.

The biggest educational system in the state is the University of Nebraska, which is composed of four universities: “University of Nebraska-Lincoln”, “University of Nebraska at Kearney”, “University of Nebraska at Omaha” and “Medical Center and Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture”.

The gross state product in Nebraska, estimated in 2010 was $89.8 billion. Its per capita personal income was estimated in 2004 was $31,339, ranking 25th in the nation. The state has a state sales tax of 5.5 percent, which does not include food and ingredients for home preparation. Only depreciable personal property is subject to tax and all other personal properties are exempt from tax.

The state of Nebraska has an enormous agriculture sector and is a major producer of beef, corn, pork, sorghum and soybeans. Nebraska ranked 2nd among the states in cattle production in 1997. Also, the forest conservation is stressed, and the state has been very active in planting forests. Other significant economic sectors include freight transport, manufacturing, telecommunications, information technology and insurance. A program of soil conservation includes a shelter belt running across the state to check the effect of wind erosion, and dry land farming techniques also have been encouraged. The state of Nebraska is a home to 30,000 thousand millionaires. State’s cost of living is cheaper than the US average.


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